ISPC International Society of Psychotherapy and Counselling

Towards Therapeutic Sustainability

Costs vs Counselling

The cost of living keeps rising and negotiable counselling fees. Energy bills, food bills, rent, petrol. Everything is going up, yet wages are staying the same, which I feel put’s counsellors in a little bit of a dilemma. We of course want to try and support all people and deserve to be paid a good […]

Are They Listening to You?

Is your smart device listening to your counselling conversations? Let me take you back to last weekend. Myself and my husband were sat in the kitchen, he was waffling on about buying some big umbrella thing for the decking I was not really listening and continued to wrestle my daughter to put sun cream on […]

Conversion Therapy

First of all, what even is conversion therapy? Conversion therapy refers to any form of treatment or psychotherapy which aims to supress a person’s gender identity. It is based on an assumption that being LGBTQIA+ is a mental illness that can be ‘cured’. These types of therapy have been proven to be extremely harmful and […]

Psychotherapy Training – Personal Account

Psychotherapy Training, and what I see… Training to be a psychotherapist is tough. I’m currently halfway through my Masters in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy, and also balancing a 30-hour job alongside going to university and seeing clients takes a toll both physically and emotionally. That said, it’s also incredibly fulfilling. There’s nothing quite like seeing […]

My Addiction – Personal Account

Everyone has different reasons and stories about who, what, where and why they have taken drugs. I often look back at my time using through rose tinted glasses. You see, no one can tell me, the feeling, the rush, the effects, were not great. Because truth is, they were. It felt amazing, I felt invincible. […]

Finding mindful moments

Mindfulness is often criticised and has been branded as being ‘fluffy’ and ‘hippielike’! I will hold my hands up here and admit, I was one of those who absolutely hated the idea of mindfulness. Thought it was a load of twaddle. I understand it may not work for everyone, that is okay. We are all […]