Lincoln Pride UK 2023
Embracing Equality and Inclusion at Lincoln Pride UK 2023 Lincoln Pride UK 2023 is an exciting event that celebrates diversity and inclusion. It’s a day where people of all genders, orientations, and backgrounds come together to proudly showcase their pride in Lincoln. With music, food, and entertainment, it’s sure to be a day filled with […]
Conversion Therapy
First of all, what even is conversion therapy? Conversion therapy refers to any form of treatment or psychotherapy which aims to supress a person’s gender identity. It is based on an assumption that being LGBTQIA+ is a mental illness that can be ‘cured’. These types of therapy have been proven to be extremely harmful and […]
Lockdown: Suicide fears soar in LGBT community
There has been a significant rise during lockdown in the UK in the number of LGBT people seeking suicide-prevention support. Support group LGBT Hero reports 11,000 people have accessed its suicide-prevention web pages – up over 44% on the first three months of the year. And other LGBT charities have service users who have killed […]